How do I get to see the clients emails & cellphone numbers?
You have to be signed in as a member as well as having purchased credits. Credits come in bulk increments starting from R600, which gives you a total of 32 credits. 32 credits gets you to view 8 contact details of customers at a price of 4 credits.
You can obtain credits by purchasing them under the “Buy Credits” menu option using a debit card after you have already signed in.
Do credits ever expire?
No, credits never expire.
What happens after I have purchased my credits?
Once you have purchased your bulk credits, these credits automatically become available on your profile under “Dashboard” on the main menu. On the Dashboard menu, you will also be able to monitor your credit balances as you use them up. All leads purchased are automatically transferred to your Dashboard menu under “purchased leads”. This allows you to manage your clientele profile as it builds up with telephone numbers and emails which you can always keep on referring to at a later stage.
How do I contact support if am facing any challenges?
Please send only whatsapp queries to 0721524361 24/7 for any difficulties you may experience in using or accessing any of the functionalities on our leads portal.